Tungsten catalyst is made of the purest tungsten material with irregular particles used in a wide range of chemical analysis as carbon sulfur analyzer and the machine is also called a CS analyzer or C&S analyzer. Highly pure tungsten flux is applied in the high-frequency infrared carbon and sulfur analyzer and results are always stable. At present, the combustion method the carbon and sulfur, affect the stability of the analysis results wherein the flux has a more impact on the measurement results of the stability samples. Clean and pure tungsten granule is needed to play a good role as catalyst in material production. So the purity is important to use during material production and amplify its applications such as carbon sulfur analysis, induction accelerator, radiation shielding filler, and so forth.
Commercially available tungsten compounds such as ammonium tungstate, sodium tungstate, tungstic acid or tungstic oxide are usually used as raw materials in the manufacture of chemical products.
The following list contains a few examples:
● Inorganic pigments are utilized in
ceramic glazes and enamels.
● Tungstic oxide or tungsten acid is
utilized in bright yellow glazes.
● Tungsten bronzes, that is, partially
reduced alkali and alkaline tungstates, are available in several bright colors.
● Examples of white pigments are
barium and zinc tungstate.
● Colored organic dyes and pigments
based on phospho tungsto-molybdic acid and phosphotungstic acid are used in
rubber, paints, printing inks, plastic, and other materials.
● For temperatures beyond the
application range, tungsten disulfide is used as a lubricant.
● Additionally, used to form a self-lubricating the surface on razor blades.
● Organic tungsten compounds have
patented as stabilizers in lubricant oils.
● Laboratory Applications
Tungsten is used in many applications in laboratories, for instance:
Sodium metatungstate is used for preparing heavy liquids, which is further, used for separating minerals through density in mineralogy or through a density gradient centrifugation in biochemical analysis. High sodium tungstate is used as a reagent in biochemical analysis. High-quality tungsten granules are used as an accelerator to determine carbon and sulfur in metals, through combustion in an induction furnace.
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